TALKSHOW – Joséphine Tilloy & Arthur Chambry


Talkshow around the projets EVILA  & MOUES DU RODZ

25.03 at 7pm


The TalkShow stages a discussion about an encounter between two artists at the end of a perilous interdisciplinary co-residency exercise. This encounter is not a story of pebble halves that fit together perfectly, but rather a game of ricochets on the surface of the abyss that separates the two artistic worlds. On the last day, the public arrives, like a paving stone in the pond or a family of swimming ducks, to bring its expertise, its questions, its imagination.

The public and the artists are invited to a performative discussion where points of view are shifted and roles are reversed. An exercise of imagination to speak not to the other but from his part. The only rule of this debate that has become a performance: all the places are reversed! A role-playing game catapulted into a board around the two projects.

It is the conclusion of the co-residency: a co-working of two or more artists working on their individual projects at the same time in the studio. This formula allows the choreographer to observe how the atmosphere, the objects, the universe of his or her project influences the other project and vice versa, without trying to combine and with no obligation of result. The co-residency is also interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary, allowing the choreographers to discover the methods and function of artists from other disciplines such as the plastic, visual, textile, literary, industrial arts, etc.

For 3 weeks, 3 co-residencies will take place at Garage29! Three choreographers from G.INCUBATOR will share the studio for one week of interdisciplinary co-working, with a musician first, a visual artist second, and a textile artist third!

For this first week, while the 3 dancers of the project « Évila », led by choreographer Joséphine Tilloy, explore through fiction a musical body-matter around the sexual gesture, musician Arthur Chambry works on his solo « MOUES DU RODZ », trafficking in the studio his strange instruments.

On the one hand, a piece that stages the clichés of the collective imagination around the sexualization of the female body, on the other hand a delirious musical research, which plugs, makes sounds, percussions, chimes, and even « flower-bourdons » resonate…

This week of artistic cohabitation behind closed doors will end with an opening to the public, inviting them to a conversation and a pleasant buffet, to discover what happens when two artists from different disciplines let themselves be contaminated by each other’s universe.

• 5e on site
• Registrations :
• Free buffet and bar on site

About Arthur Chambry

About Joséphine Tilloy


 Ⓒ Photos: Arthur Chambry & Clara Schmitt/  Graphics: G29

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