
Research & Performative Training

To basterdise : to change something in a way that makes it fail to represent the values and qualities that it is intended to represent.

« Bastardised Techniques » are the result of an interdisciplinary research and practical experience gathered over the last 22 years. From the auto-didactical, circular and energetic nature of break dance & acrobatics into contemporary dance through composition and improvisation, with nuggets of martial arts. The physical aspect of this work is Playful, sweat-inclusive, unpredictable, and deprogramming.

The sensorial and somatic layers are present like an aroma in the air, inspired by the study and application of diverse healing modalities over the last 15 years: nutrition, medicinal plants, aromatherapy, breath work, cold-therapy, bio- magnetism, biogeometry and Water, to name a few.

Other influences on my research are: the love for the raw elements of nature, outdoor practice and active physical meditation… the exploration through the non-visual with my friend and collaborator Saïd Gharbi, who opened my eyes in the dark… Carmelo Fernandez, a cultural agitator and mentor… Claudio Conti, my martial arts master with whom I train for many years now. And many others. I have learnt much from crossing the borders of dance and art into other disciplines and realities. These influences continue to shape what I call Research & Performative Training.

What is Technique and how to apply it for individual training, working with different choreographers/ artists and doing our own research/creation? How do we connect it to how we move through life when we are not in a studio or on stage? Methodology for practice and performance intertwine in quotidian ways… »

• Price: 60€
• Dates: 23 & 24 APRIL,  11am > 5pm
• Send your application to:

Born in Paraguay, grew up between Chile, Germany and Spain, where he started break-dancing on the streets of the Canary Islands. Passing through Madrid between 2005-2007, then Brussels-based since 2008.

His career as a performer, dancer, teacher, choreographer, art director as- sistant and photographer, along his personal research on the heretic sciences of water, plants, electromagnetic fields and therapeutic applications.

He has worked and collaborated in various ways with many companies, insti- tutions and artists in the field of contemporary art and dance: Eastman [Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui] in “Puzzle” & “Babel”, Damien Jalet [“Médusés” Louvre Mu- seum Paris], David Zambrano, Michelle Anne de Mey [Charleroi-Danses], Vlaamse Opera House [Antwerp & Ghent], Cie. Jozef Trefeli “UP” [Switzer- land], Cie HelKa with „LORE“ [Belgium], Cie. La Flux – Juha Marsalo & Caro- line Savi [Paris], Carmelo Fernández “International Film Festival GC” [Spain], Natalia Medina “Tag” & “Masdanza” [Spain].


Image by Boris Bruegel

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