Garage29 is a horizontal structure that encourages personal development through networking. Between 2020 and 2023, we set up a benevolent framework, taking care to give a special place to each and every one, and to stay as close as possible to the artists we support.
Between 2021 and 2023, a trio of women worked on writing the application for structural funding and kept the GIN running at full speed. The three chicks, Sabina Scarlat, Clara Schmitt and Tahira Dahou like to think that there’s no difference between them and between them and artists. Everyone is invited to create, and above all to create together. They lay the foundations for a flexible way of working that allows them to reinvent themselves. Everyone has their own specialty, but doesn’t like to be pigeonholed into a role. They don’t like to talk in terms of “coordinators” or “manager”. They propose, associate, provoke and question, as much with artists as with the partners they work with. Their primary aim is dialogue in the service of emerging creation. Their secondary aim is to make it a celebration! In september 2023, Clara Schmitt leave the ship and join Ama Brussels.
Following the subside of its first program contract in 2024, the structure has the means to develop and deepen its missions. A new team has been built, one that will have the pleasure of starting this new chapter for the venue and its program for the 2024 to 2026 seasons. It is composed as follows :


Sabina Scarlat

idea associator

artistic director

Inès Tirvengadum

intern problem solver

Production and administration

Anaëlle Guillermont-Canale

means provider

Production and development


Internship :

Garage29 would not exist without the contribution and renewal brought by the presence of the trainees. In artistic training (performing arts, graphic design, scenography, fashion, video etc.) or in cultural management (communication, production, administration), the trainees are invited to conceive and realise their ideas with great autonomy. Their work contributes to the development of the structure at all levels.
If you want to become an intern, send your application to

A huge thank to Louise Charpentier, a master’s student in performing arts, who helped the team in 2024.


Members of the General Assembly

Eva Wilsens, Anne Golaz, Cristiano De Oliveira Ventura, Gaia Saitta, Léon Decuyper, Roxane Baines, Leif Firnhaber, Sabina Scarlat.

Members of the Governing Body

Eva Wilsens, Anne Golaz, Cristiano De Oliveira Ventura.